
Us at SkyCanvas Games recently competed in, “the rap-battle of entrepreneurship”, an awesome casual pitching competition called HustleMe, held at the Moustache Club in Durham.

It’s a competition made up of 3 rounds of 1 minute pitches, presented to the critical eyes of 3 professional judges, all for $1,000.

Each round has 1 topic to pitch, no slides, no props, no backup. The topics start with pitching yourself, then your business, and culminating with Round 3 where it gets real fun, you have to pitch… whatever they give you! A round of pure pitching skill!

Our very own Prudhvi Penumetcha took the stage along with 12 other people.

A short clip of his run:

With a great showing, we made it all the way to the final round with the final 5 people, where we ended up pitching HustleMe itself!

After a quick info swap with William Biggar, the founder of HustleMe, Prudhvi pitched a heartfelt need for support. A push on the back for people who are struggling, people who need a flashlight in a dark place. These public pitches under stage light were meant to inspire, inspire one to improve and inspire one to fight through the darkness.

Unfortunately, we didn’t win. I also didn’t manage to get any footage of our losing pitch so there’s no proof we ever lost right?

^ Here’s what we definitely did with our winnings, and yes, perspective does wonders to $1k.

It was a great experience to learn from and I’d recommend going to events like this if you’re a start-up looking for practice in selling/pitching, along with a small opportunity for networking!

Keep following us for more fun from other events!

– Joshua Liew